As student of "International Management" I spent my study-integrated internship from March unti lSeptember 2012 at Palnar group Transmedia in Trivandrum, India. I believe it is fair to say that no other six-months-period has ever before left such a great impact on my life. A truly international and diverse atmosphere where I was able to experience and become part of within and outside of work, was highly enriching, educational, challenging, and wonderful. Despite of my young age and limited working experience, I was quickly handed more responsibility, emerging into fields such as business development, project coordination, CRM, and quality management. Working for German clients with an Indian team was initially very challenging, for me as well as for (at least I would assume) my teammates. Communication was tricky in the beginning and it took a good while to really, truly understand each other. However, the extremely friendly, positive, and supportive atmosphere that is always present in Palnar group's office, quickly helped me and others to open up and generate a common understanding. I am truly thankful that Palnar group Transmedia gave me the opportunity to work and live in India, experience the beauty of the country and its people and make these six months some of the most valuable, exciting, educational and fascinating ones yet.